Chef per Chef - Scuola di Alta Cucina


Professional High-end Cooking Classes

You don’t know our school?

chef Paolo Cappuccio at work

Who are our chefs?

Piatti Transparent Corso Cucina

About us

We offer the knowledge of Michelin-starred chefs, who have decades of experience in the culinary arts.

Our chef trainers will not only teach you specific preparation methods of different dishes, but the classes will also cover more technical techniques relating to the world of cooking.

During your comprehensive training, you will be followed by Michelin-starred chefs, we have trainers recognised throughout the sector, such as Paolo Cappuccio, Corrado Corti, Rocco Costanzo, Claudio Fortuna and many others who will teach classes based on their specialisation, in order to offer the best possible training. All the classes organised by Chef per Chef issue a recognised certificate of participation.


Why train with us?


Gain new knowledge

Whether you are the chef of a prestigious hotel or simply want to turn your passion for cooking and food into a professional career, our classes will teach you essential and practical knowledge.

Learn new techniques

High-end cooking requires variety and quality. In our classes, we will deal with advanced techniques and preparations in detail, such as creating miniature cuisine and finger food, sous vide cooking and gourmet plating.

Learn from the best

Our Michelin-starred chefs have years of experience in the sector, in famous Italian kitchens and around the world like the Hotel Splendido Portofino, il Milano il palace hotel, Grand Hotel des Bains, Grand hotel Europa e Regina, etc.

You missed the live stream?

Don’t worry! Our platform allows you to catch up on previous classes in high resolution. At the end of every class, you will get a certificate of participation.

We train Chefs and Future Chefs

Our classes are designed to increase the knowledge of chefs, or to train future ones. We want our objective to always be clear: to pass on years of Passion, Sacrifices and Experience to kitchens around the world!

polipo scuola di cucina genova

Our students are our guarantee.

Who, better than those who have already taken part in our classes, can judge the quality and competence of our service?

“I define my cuisine as colourful, lively, intriguing, it is the result of continuous research, passion, curiosity, that right touch of madness, the constant desire to try new combinations”

“After all, cooking is like life: you never stop learning or discovering something new.”

Our leading chefs:


Learn from the best!